Where to find free music to download legally
It is illegal to download music for free from the Internet, but there are ways you can do it legally on certain websites. You have to be careful when downloading music from the Internet, as if you download an illegal source, you are likely to get a virus on your computer. There are legal safe sources that offer free music and this article will discuss on these.
Search for “legal free music” or “legal free mp3” on Google or another search engine. Music can be offered legally if the copyright has expired, the artist has offered the music for free, or for other reasons.
Ad-supported sites
Read the terms and conditions on the website, and make sure that the music is legal to download. Search on forums or blogs for free music downloads. You can read on some online discussion boards about where you can find free legal music downloads. Search for websites that offer free music that are
ad-supported. This means that you can download a free MP3 by viewing ads on the site. You can search for “free add support MP3s.”
iTunes offers a free song of the day MP3 music download for your MP3 player. You need to download iTunes onto your computer and sign up for an iTunes account. They will send you an email when a free MP3 is available for you to download. You will need to download a music application on your computer to listen to your free music downloads. Winamp, iTunes or Windows Media Player are applications that you can use. When you download the song onto your computer, you will then be able to play the music by using the application.
Creative Commons license
Learn about the Create Commons license, which allows free music downloads for copyright holders who have extended the right to use their music to the public. Search for “creative common music” by using your favourite search engine, such as Google or Bing.
Music service
Search for a music service on the Internet. Some of these services allow you to download a certain number of free MP3s when you first sign up. You will have to buy songs thereafter. You need to learn what is file sharing, as there are many file sharing sites that have been shut down due to copyright issues. Most music websites are illegal and you need to be sure that the song is legal to download.