Where to find free pictures of bathrooms
There's a lot that you can do online, apart from seeking bathroom inspiration by looking at bathroom photos. You can seek design ideas online and download free bathroom designs, and you can even design your own beautiful bathrooms online. If you have a bathroom idea, you can use bathroom picture sets and bathroom art that you find online to put it all together into a modern bathroom and functional bath design.
Free pictures
There are many sites which provide house and home photos for free use. You can choose from amongst stock photos or royalty free pictures of modern, traditional and country bathrooms. If you have a soft spot for pink bathrooms, you can find a whole lot of pink fixtures and existing pink bathroom pictures for inspiration. One such site is Housetohome, with nearly 350 pictures of modern bathrooms, over 150 traditional bathroom pictures and almost as many of country bathrooms.
Free designs
Some even have design pictures that you can download and use for free for your own bathroom. With pictures and free designs available online, it's not so hard to match what you'd like in your bathroom against all the latest innovations that are being used for decorating bathroom plans.
Design your own bathroom nline
However, perhaps the best use of this can be made on online sites which allow you to create a design. You can move around the tub, toilet and the other fixtures. You can change colours and try out different tiles and patterns. You can even choose the material to be used for building the bathroom. You can add doors and windows, vanity mirrors, different types of lighting and other items using a simple drag-and-drop. It's a huge improvement over a print catalogue put in front of your nose by a decorator. You have much more control and input on the design and colour scheme, and there won't be anything left to chance. The bathroom idea, the bath design and final product will be the same and exactly as you see it online. Finding these sites isn't hard either. You should just search for 'online bathroom planner' or 'build your bathroom'.
Get an estimate
It goes without saying that when you can do all this online, the next logical step is to connect you with a contractor near you. This contractor will take the bath design that you built online and give you the bathroom of your dreams.