Where to find free pictures of schools
In most cases, images of schools are not Royalty-Free. You will have to pay for them, should you need educational pictures, class photos, or any other type of school-related photographs. Therefore, school photos have become rarer if you wish to have them for free. However, there are still sources that allow you to download and use pictures of schools in any way which you find appropriate. Read on this article to know where to find free pictures of schools.
School pictures: Search.creativecommons.org
This search engine is the largest source of free pictures on the Internet. It is not difficult to find photographs of schools there. The access is free and there is no limitation or banning as to where or how you can use the pictures. You have to be careful though as to how you conduct your search. Results may not be shown by the typical keywords. You may have to perform several searches before you will get the desired result.
School pictures: Commons.wikipedia.org
Wikipedia is one of the most appreciated search engines on the web. It contains free, unbiased information that you can use in any way that you want. Wikipedia has expanded its activities to a free photo gallery which anyone can have access to. Should you visit Commons.wikipedia.org, you will see that all types of school pictures are available there including: - Pictures games - Children reading phonics - School photos - Class pictures - Pictures of words
School pictures: Freephoto.com
This is another website which is literally a search engine that may give you a hand when trying to find free school pictures. It is not easy to find what you are looking for, but it is a good place to start. In this case, there are some conditions that you need to meet in order to be able to use the pictures. You have to be a student or a teacher in order to have free access to any school pictures. A credit to Ianbritton-freefoto.com is required.
School pictures: Freedigitalphotos.net
This is great source for pictures of any kind. It is a free source which does not impose any conditions. It is great to scroll through their photos. School pictures can be found there to meet all requirements. You can get pictures of phonics activities, Chinese schools, schools in UK, photos of almost any world school. These are good quality pictures that you can use for your projects. This is one of the few websites that works like that. You should keep it in mind not only as a source of school pictures, but as a source of free pictures in general.