Where to find free ringtones to download
Getting free ringtones is not a difficult task because there are numerous sites that let you either download free ringtones or create your own. By being able to create your own, you can take any song that you have and cut the song to the part that you want the cell phone to play when you receive a call! Find out where to find free ringtones to download now!
Downloading your ringtones
If you go to sites such as Myxer.com, you can easily download free ringtones. They will most likely have a collection of user in-putted ringtones that you can download, and it will most likely be divided into phone tones by genres. This is a great way to get ringtones with no subscription, but there are two downsides to use this method.
The first reason is that you might not get the best quality. Sometimes, you want a high quality sound coming out of your phone as a ringtone rather than a bad midi version of that song. This tends to annoy many people because having bad quality is not preferable.
Inability to get the best part of the song
The other downside is that you will not always get the best part of the song. Most of the time, you will find your favourite part of the song to be universal, but that is not always the case. Sometimes, you want a certain part of the song, but the people online who uploaded may have a different favourite part than you. For this reason, you will not always find the part that you are looking for.
Making your own ringtones
If you want to make your own ringtones, do not be intimidated! It is a simple process, and you can make your own ringtone within minutes. The first option is to go to site such as Makeownringtone.com and use the service there. It is free, and all you have to do is : 1. Load a song 2. Cut the part which you want your ringtone to be 3. Export and load it to your phone As you can see, it is a fairly easy process that does not take a lot of time. You will also have a high quality ringtone, so you do not have to worry about having a midi ringtone since you will get the same quality of ringtone as the song!