Where to find photos for sale
When you buy images from a reputable stock photo outlet, you are buying peace of mind. You do not have to worry about violating copyright if you buy a photo and use it. Sometimes, photo rights can be complicated, because companies selling stock photos are offering images for different purposes. Photography prints may be priced differently than photos intended for web use.
Buy photos from Getty Images
Getty images
Getty images has one of the most popular stock photo sites. Getty has celebrity photos for sale, photos of stock images, and images that are related to current news events. When you buy an image from Getty Images, you can choose between royalty free and rights ready.
Royalty free images
When you get royalty free images, you are getting photos that you can use, but not actually own. This means that other people can use the photos, because they can also get them.
Rights ready photos
You can also buy rights ready photos, which means that you can choose the level of rights that you want to purchase. If you want to make sure that you have exclusive use of a photo, you should buy the more expensive rights ready photos.
Determining the price
When clicking on a Getty Images rights ready photo, you have to indicate how you will use the photo in order to determine the price.
For example, a rights managed photo can be licensed for one-time use or multiple uses. The price will be calculated after you explain how you will use it.
Buy photos from iStockphoto
iStockphoto.com has a scheme, where you buy credits and apply them to photos. The prices can be very low, especially in the clearance bin.
Downloading photos for credits
When you find stock photos for sale that you like, you can download them for a specific number of credits, depending on the photo and the size of the image you are getting.
If you want a photo for a single use, it will be for a few credits. If you want a photo for multiple uses, it can cost you a hundred credits.
Registering on the site
Before you can buy stock photos from iStockphoto, you have to register for the site. You need to get credits, before you can get images, but you can browse for photos without being registered
Giving credit to the photographer
When you buy a photo, you are still usually expected to give the photographer credit, just as if you buy a painting, you would expect to have an artist's signature taking credit for the work on the canvas.