Where to find pictures of stars online
Nothing inspires more than gazing at the stars in space. Many of the most beautiful photos of these astronomical wonders have been preserved for posterity, and are available freely on the internet. This article will show the best places to find pictures of stars on the internet.
Containing high resolution and enhanced photographs from the largest as well as most famous of all space telescopes, the Hubble Space Telescope, this website is by far, the best option when searching for breathtaking images of stars. Since being launched in 1990, the Hubble Telescope has been regularly producing these marvels - with just a fraction to show on HubbleSite, there are still enough stars photos to satisfy any need. From the tiniest of yellow dwarves to the most intense of supernovae, this site has it all. Over 300 top quality stars pictures, they are all very easy to download (read terms of use first).
Although, the sites do not specifically cater for images of stars, there are still plenty of high-quality photos, with archives stretching back as far as 1995. Both the "picture of the day" and "featured galleries" contain images of the highest caliber, complete with a concise description of the stars and galaxies shown. One can trust NASA to bring the best of its collection to the public, as this site has been specifically created to encourage the general public to find a passion in astronomy.
National Optical Astronomy Observatory
Containing over 100 of the best star photos captured by US ground-based observatories, this website should not be missed when searching for the best picture. These are ready to be downloaded in several different sizes - from 4KB to 1MB. When downloading however, make sure that you check the conditions of use when downloading images from any site. Each picture is accompanied by explanations.
There are, of course, many other websites that can be used, including the 'less specialist' sites like "Photobucket", "Flikr" and "yfrog". These contain images that have been shared by amateur photographers and astronomers, although also including some less relevant photos. However, if you are also looking for
clip-art and artist's impressions, these sites may be even more useful.
The internet is a big place. Hence, there is enough space for plenty of stars!