Where to search for Alaska fishing trips online
Alaska sport fishing offers diverse opportunities for adventure, from massive halibut to tackle-straining king salmon to fly fishing for a variety of species in the remote interior. Alaska fishing charters, lodges and guide services are only a couple of mouse clicks away on your computer. You will only need to search in a directory of trips or individual venues. The state is so vast and the possibilities are endless.
General information
There are many kinds of fishing trips available in Alaska. Thus, it can be hard to know where to start a search for an Alaska fishing vacation. The Department of Fish and Game at Adfg.alaska.gov has information about licenses, catch limits, and open and closed seasons. It's a good jumping-off point. Narrowing down the choices Bestalaskafishingtrips.com presents the various possibilities: Alaskan halibut fishing, Alaska salmon fishing, fly-in fly fishing in the interior, and a combination of different types of fishing. Best searches For a good list of available charters and guides, search Alaskan fishing trips, fishing in Alaska, or where to fish in Alaska. Saving time and money To find the best deals on packages that will include everything you need from airfare to fishing tackle, search Alaska travel deals or discount fishing trips to Alaska.
Most popular fishing spots
If you want to target big fish on your Alaska trip, the best place to cast off from is the Kenai peninsula. Fabulous halibut fishing and a chance at a near 100 pound king salmon can surely await you. Versatile charters Ninilchik Charters, Ninilchik.com, is a versatile charter boat company which has nine vessels with experienced captains sailing from 5 ports. They target huge (up to 400 pounds) halibut and king salmon in Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound. River trips for king, silver and pink salmon are also available. Other charter companies can be found by searching Kenai peninsula fishing or Cook Inlet fishing.
Fly fishing
You can fly fish on any river, but If you want to really get away from it all, Alaska fly fishing in the interior is a short plane ride from a major city. Getting there A number of companies fly to the uninhabited interior, where you're likely to spot a bear as you fish for pike, trout, greyling and salmon. One of the most versatile is Flyrusts.com, which offers guided trips for both novice and experienced anglers, and also unguided trips for those who really want to rough it. Where to stay Alaska lodging is provided by all the companies that offer package trips and charters. Wildernessplacelodge.com and Alaskatrophyadventures.com are good resources.