Which word processor is free to download legally?
Do you not wish to buy Microsoft Word, but want to be able to type with formatting (using something other than what came with your PC)? This article will discuss free word processing alternatives, so that you won't have to resort to your bank to be able to type a document!
IBM Lotus Symphony
One very popular free word processor originates in IBM. It is called "IBM Lotus Symphony". Based on the Open Office structure (which is a free and open source program), it also has some special and unique features. Of course, it is completely legal for you to download and install! (If it weren't, it wouldn't be mentioned here!) While the original Open Office had many great features, the Lotus Symphony has many similar features in addition to being smoother to run. Features It is a fully fledged office suite, with three different components, just like many paid office programmes: a presentation suite, a word processor and a spreadsheet processing program. Format It uses the ".odt" format natively, although it can also use the ".doc" format in order to maintain compatibility with MS Word. It constantly receives updates from its creator, and has one of the nicest GUIs ever seen in a free programme!
Open Office
If you are a simplistic person, Open Office Standard is probably the best route for you. While it does not have all of the bells and whistles of Lotus Symphony, it is almost the same with regards to features. You will be able to type a nice looking document in no time, print it, share it with friends, etc.
Additionally, Open Office has many free plugins which are available on its official website, OpenOffice.org, to extend the user's experience.
You still have the complete basic office suite just like Lotus Symphony, but it has a much simpler interface. It could take rather longer to learn, though, since it has extensive menus. In a way, however this is good since it means that the programme always has many new features.
Since it is an open source, just like Lotus Symphony, it gets a lot of updates, and they are easy to get!