Why buy Sony video cameras
When it comes to camcorders, Sony has established itself as a well-reputed brand that can be relied on for quality camcorders. Sony has a long history of camcorders and their camcorders precede DVD players. Now, Sony has pro video cameras, camcorders for home users, and digital camcorders for serious amateurs. This article will explain why you should buy a Sony video camera.
Sony camcorder history
Sony the pioneer When you are debating buying a Sony or comparing Sony to another brand, look at the camcorder reviews, video cameras, and video quality. Sony had the first tapeless video camcorder, the XDCAM, which was the precursor to days HD camcorders. Sony also pioneered the use of digital photo cards in cameras with the Sony Memory Stick. The Sony Memory Stick can be used on some models of the Sony Handycam camcorders, which are the company's flagship digital movie cameras. Buying Sony camcorders Sony camcorder has worked on older digital camcorders, such as DVD camcorders that have fallen out of favour since they are not as easy to use as HD video camcorders. A new 2011 model Sony mini camcorder can be an expensive device, but a 2009 camcorder or older Sony DV camcorders could cost less online or a a Sony retailer.
Information about Sony camcorders
A camera with HD video is not a camcorder. A camcorder's general definition is that it is a device whose main function is to film videos, although HD video recorders can also grab still shots and record them to the hard drive or a memory stick.
DV digital camcorders
DV digital camcorders record to mini tapes or hard drives and you can move them to your computer through a firewire or DV cable. The most popular new digital camcorder is HD. High def camcorders record to hard drives so that the camcorder is small and compact.
Shop around
If you are comparing HD Sony camcorders, look at some of the reviews before your buy. Buying a Sony camcorder is a lot like buying a new Sony laptop. There are a lot of different features and it is easy to buy more than you need. You can look at different models at Sony Centre shops. Sony.co.uk has a Sony Store Locator on the website to help you find the closest store.