Why make a free website?
If you choose to set up your own website, then you can create your web presence for free. In this guide, we'll discuss the factors you need to consider in order to make your own web page. Companies which publish their services online reach a much wider audience than those which stick to traditional media. Read this article and make sure you don't miss out!
Benefits of a free website
Save money
If you choose to build your own web page then you will save potentially thousands of pounds in web design fees. Technology has advanced to the point now where people with little technical or computing knowledge can produce a functional and aesthetically pleasing web presence. Creating a site is not difficult as there are also many internet guides which show you how to make your own website.
Getting free web space
In recent years, it has even been possible to secure free web space hosting, provided that you do not exceed certain bandwidth limits. Usually for most small businesses, free web space is sufficient, though those companies who depend on their website for e-commerce will be better off with paid web hosting.
If you choose to build a site on free hosting, remember that you have no control over upload time and you may be subject to unwanted advertising on your site.
An overview of building a free website
Size and content A website can vary widely in complexity from a simple, single page information site to a large e-commerce site. For most users, a content management system like Wordpress or Blogger will be a good place to start. Reliability These sites are great for company news pages, product information pages and have the advantage of being entirely free. Added to this, they are run by large, established companies, so you can be sure your data won't disappear in the middle of the night! Setting up a custom website If you have more advanced web skills, then you may want to create your own custom web site. Search for a free web page hosting site like 000Webhost.com and register for use. These sites allow you a generous amount of disk space and reasonable bandwidth. The down side is that you have no guarantees over upload time, and from time to time, your customers will be subject to pop up adverts. Having recourse to professional help If a web site is a serious part of your business plan, it is best to employ a web design professional and use paid hosting. Doing this will not only mean a faster, better looking website but this will also increase the visibility of your business in the search engines.