Why should I bi-wire my speaker cable?
The most questioned topic is bi-wiring. Running two wires or cords to each speaker instead of one wire per speaker is known as bi-wiring. One cable connects the amplifier to the high frequency element or tweeter and another cable connects the amplifier to the low frequency element or woofer.
Techniques of bi-wiring
Normally, all speakers allow bi-wiring by having an extra set of terminals for input that can even be altered and joined when they are not needed.
Traditional methods
A parallel connection is set between the speakers by using a single cord or cable. The practice of bi-wiring was initially implemented in Britain as it was believed to improve the sound quality. However, this turned out to be a controversial topic and many people disagreed to vote for it as it reduces interference and enhance the audio. Now, it’s proven that single cable wiring results in resistance only up to a level of 0.3 ohms. High-end systems and press review speakers use bi-wiring cables.
Generally, a single cable consisting of black and red-wired pair is connected to a set of binding posts of filters from amplifier to the speaker in the conventional way. However, these binding sets are separated in bi-wiring. Two sets of the black and red wiring like QED XT Hi-Fi cable have silver wires which are connected to the two sets of separated sets in each speaker.
Each set of filter works on its own frequency signal received by the individual cables and cancels all the unneeded frequencies attached. Eventually, a cable can conduct on high frequency or low frequency. Unwanted resonances due to impedance in speakers are reduced to a large extent.
Advantages of bi-wiring
Most people believe that the sound gets better and gives a theatrical feeling. A high-definition audio in the mid-range is one feature which attracts many people. For audio of various frequencies, bass can be made faster and treble focused to a higher extent. However, studies say that when one uses a tube amplifier, the cables size or number don’t make any influence on the audio delivered. The damping factor is found to be the same in such cases. In addition properly designed filters are resistant to intermodulation leakages, hence, type of wiring is not bothered at. Though it’s seen as a disadvantage as cables with different loads are forced to travel different paths and the filters are fed with different input signals. However, loudspeakers like Axiom M80Ti and M60Ti are linear and smooth and eliminate the intermodulation distortion, making it overlook its few negatives. Best wire cables chosen for speakers surely do bring a change in the quality and these can be purchased on audiovisual sites.