Why should you choose a local website host?
Launching a website can be challenging with all of the different factors that you should consider. Once you’ve got a great website designed, you have to decide where to host it, and there a few reasons why choosing a local host is the best path. Read this article to learn more about this important decision by taking into consideration important factors like speed, cost, and so on.
You want your website to be as effective, fast, and useful as possible for your most immediate customers. The closer your website host is to your customers, the faster they will be able to download things like images and videos.
Using a local website host is one way to show people that your business is interested in supporting and being a part of your local community.
Search engines
Using a host located closely to where most of your customers are will help to boost your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website. Search engines like Google or Yahoo prioritise local resources under the assumption that these will be more relevant for their users.
Cheaper hosting
You may be able to find cheaper hosting solutions for your needs in foreign markets such as India or the United states, but doing so will sacrifice many benefits of having a website in the first place. For example, consider if you and another business in your area are competing for the same keywords and the same customers, and your website is hosted somewhere in China while your competitor uses a local host. When potential customers search for your keywords, your competitor's pages will be listed above yours most of the time.