Why travel to Ireland on holiday?
There are numerous reasons to discover Ireland. Everything from a Dublin tour to an Ireland golf vacation can be experienced during a trip to the island of Ireland.
Emerald Isle
Known as the “Emerald Isle” due to its 40 shades of green, Ireland is located in the north-western Europe in the north of Atlantic Ocean. The western coastline is uneven with many bays, islands and peninsulas. There are a lot of caves, cliffs, crystal clear waterways and lunar landscapes caused by volcanic eruptions.
With Atlantic on the west and the Irish Sea on the east, Ireland has over 1,400 km of coastline. There are plenty of sandy beaches and opportunities for water-sports and lively fishing villages with the best seafood ever. Go to Dingle in County Kerry, Roundstone in County Galway or Kinsale in County Cork.
River Shannon
River Shannon is the longest river in Ireland and it flows south from County Cavan in Ulster to Loop Head in County Clare, where it meets the Atlantic.
Islands around Ireland
If you want a holiday away from everything, islands such as Coney Island and Tory Island may be exactly what you need.
History and Heritage
History of Ireland
Ireland has a history that goes back to 6000 BC. The famous St. Patrick, Ireland's patron, was not Irish. He was in fact taken prisoner from his British home and as soon as he escaped from his prison, he had a vision that made him return to Ireland as a missionary.
Ireland had its fair share of tragedies along the time. Invaded by the Vikings in 795 AD, Ireland was struck by the Great Famine in the latter half of the 19th century. Over one million died back then and two million emigrated to the US, UK, Canada and Australia. For further information, you may check out The Cobh Heritage Centre and the Famine Commemoration Centre in Skibbereen, both in County Cork.
The Irish enjoy a good laugh. Telling jokes is part of their daily life. Also, the pub is the place which, alongside the local church and betting shop, has an essential role in the Irish society.
The Irish also love their traditions. They are also famous for their traditional music, which can be heard all over Ireland. Irish dancing is also a popular form of entertainment.
Cities of Ireland
Final word
The capital, Dublin, is full of energy, famous pubs, fascinating architecture, great restaurants, parks and art galleries. Cork is a city that boasts of some of the most beautiful landscapes. Galway City, one of the most social towns, has many delights to offer. Limerick's Hunt Museum houses the largest private art collection.