WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! come and enjoy the art of freedom, you are free to talk about whatever you want, as long it is about MANGA, YOUR PERSONAL LIFE, ANIME or whatever you like the MOST! just come and join and fulfil your heart and others who will read you.
Managed by Kayfrid Memory
7 blogs
151 posts
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☣️titulo: black clover (tv) ✔️tipo: serie ✔️episodios: 103/170 ✔️año: 2018 ✔️audio: latino 🇲🇽 ✔️genero: acción, comedia, fantasía, magia, shounen 💮resolucion: 1280x720 🈴estado: pendiente ⏳ 🀄️sinopsis la historia gira entorno a asta, un chico bullicioso y sin aparente talento mágico y yuno, su amigo y r
I'll be lying if i say that this moment wasn't awaited, prayed for by thousands of people around the world. some of us did a lot of sleepless night during this year, waiting, luring in the dark for this moment. a lot of eyesights were sacrificed, a lot of social circles were cut off, just so that you wouldn't miss this fabulous event. so, now here
Hello gang, hope you all save in this very hard period. today is a special day because i’ll introduce to you another concept on this blog. yeah, i know another one, but promise this time is different. let me explain... the concept is simple, it’s called discovery of the day in short dd; it’s about presenting to you on a randomise scale a new
Sorry for the late posting, staying at home did not really put me in the right place to write anything good for y’all. hope you’ll forgive me with this one.
hello everyone, hope you are having an amazing day despite the current situation that has been striking the whole world right now. knowing how stressful it can be to stay at home all day, g
“i wonder which one of us is more pitiable in the end. you with your broken body, me with my broken m…” this words was told by one iconic character of an incredible yaoi on webtoon. a character that we all agree to hate because of all its double games in the story. this character is part of a series that was very well received, i would even l
![THE FRANGRANCE OF LOVE [GAM-RAE & GO JIN]](https://image.over-blog.com/diWS0EZ-6spT806kDgAgvFe_x-Q=/400x400/smart/filters:no_upscale()/image%2F2347780%2F20201018%2Fob_a3e878_gam-rae.jpg)
I am writing this article in my bedroom in the middle of the afternoon, thoroughly thinking about how to start this article in a very original way, so that you will not find this boring. but, the result is me failing miserably in finding something that will catch your attention more than all those other notifications that you are actively receiving
I thought i was going to become crazy, that all of this was just going on in my head and that i'll not be able to bring it up to you on time. however, i'm now happy to finally introduce to you this amazing information on pet's aesthetics by team gaji. first of all, a little info moment for those who have no idea of what i'm talking about. okay, for
This is probably the most underrated side of the whole yuri manhwa lilith 2. we are so used to this subject only being introduced to us through boring old books position at the top dark side of the shelf where the light doesn’t even reach and the only visitor that those books receive is the warm and glooming presence of dust, that we can’t even
Yuri is a japanese genre known for portraying relationships between girls and is also known in his simple form as gl which stands for girl’s love. but, if you have been in the animation industry for a long time you should already be in possession of this information. nonetheless, the world of yuri doesn’t limit itself to the usual fantasy of tw
After realising one of the most impressive shit show that was ever made, i went back into my cave to think about another masterpiece to bring up. unfortunately, i couldn’t find a topic that could overpass what i did before, so i decided to open up about myself and my depression through this… i decided to create something that would bring everyb
Well, i have been involved in the manga industry for more than a decade now(actually, for so many years that i cannot actually remember when i started adoring this art 😅 ) and during my journey for new discoveries, i met a lot of different genres and subcategories. some that i got involved personally through multiple emotional rollercoasters and
In the next chapter that we will analyse today, a lot of excitement is released in the air, sexual tension is present like the excitement you felt when you received your first phone. that same excitement when you finally terminated that gift for your mother’s birthday. that’s the same explosive feelings that we are welcomed within chapter 10. a
It is undeniable of how famous animation and especially manga has become over years around the world, we have all been exposed to it either personally or through a friend or a family member and has all enjoy it in our own way. obviously, the manga is not the only genre that exists in the world of animation, you can also find big names like disney,
I had many doubts about either i should write another article about the next chapters of her shim cheong. i wasn’t sure i wanted to go through all the burden of reading them and making an article about it, it was painful to think about this manhwa. it wasn’t painful because i didn’t like it, how could i? this manhwa is so magnificently drawn
It is actually 3:20 am by the time i am writing this article, i am gently seated on my couch in my house. thinking how lucky i am to be part of the privilege that has a garden and a soft bed to sleep on every night. but, do not worry, i am not here to talk to you about morals and the fact that you should be grateful to god or whatever entity you be
Before i talk about how amazing this new chapter s of miss angel and miss devil is going to be, let me tell you a little story. you seat on your bed, all joyful and excited because you are finally going to read the last update of your favourite manhwa after waiting for an entire day. you finally come to the end of your reading and you feel refreshe
I know there's no article today and i am sorry about it. i suddenly had a problem with school so i couldn't write you an article. but if you still want to know about how i'm doing and what kind of article will probably appear on the blog, you can follow my twitter kayfrid memory . i also like to interact with you people, so go and strike that follo
You are relaxing on your couch with a hot drink in your hand while reading a thriller book or watching one of your favourite series on amazon prime and suddenly a weird question come through your mind. you put down whatever you have in your hands, pause the series that you were watching and then grab your phone... you want to verify that silly ques
One month. one month is the amount of time i’ve already spent at home, in fact, it has been precisely one month and 2 weeks. and for a depressive person like me, this is not the most beautiful condition in the world. in normal time i am not a very sociable person even though i am an ambivert who needs my good amount of social interaction. sadly,
If you are like me right now and you are also stuck at home doing more or less nothing or even if you are a college student and you are being bombarded with assignments and last year projects for your school, that means you are probably filled with stress and anxiety at the moment. of course, in this case, you need a little reliever for some minute
The fact that this article is so unusual is the result of how unusual the situation we are living in right now in the whole world. if you have followed this blog for a long time now, you must have noticed that i do not really specialise in writing about disney movies of any sort. not that i don’t like disney (i’m actually a big fan of rapunzel)
The fairy is gone, your fairy tale is gone and all the busy time that you had is long gone. it’s finally settled, you have to stay at home and watch over the security and safety of everyone around you. you actually have nothing else to do at home than watching youtube, netflix or any streaming planform that you are subscribed right now. so, yeah
Expected questions on either you should start reading daily witch, the first manhwa of sungwon or not tent this unknown adventure that would probably turn into an absolute bad experience. you probably already head some rumours on this manhwa or maybe you already have your expectations and just want them confirm or perhabs you are just searching for
Since the very beginning of her shim cheong, i never stopped to be surprised and mesmerised of all the ups and downs that this story can bring to me emotionally. this manhwa has certainly given to all its readers a heart attack, a heart melt and a tornado of sadness once or twice during their lecture, especially in this chapter that i’m about to
The next stage of all this wait the author hanged on us was to expect something wonderful in return. if you have been reading lilith during all this time, as a reader you have grew closer to the characters either through all the wonderful panels or the plot itself and going through that stage, you obviously have expectations on the future shipping
Season 2 chapter 1 more than a year has passed since the end of the first volume of the king’s maker, manhwa that was drawn and written by haga & kang ji young. despite that long time, the love for that manhwa hasn’t decreased even a little, with fans staying on edge eagerly waiting for the next season to be revealed. today, i am proud to say t
As usual, since its creation, lilith has never stopped mesmerising me with its incredible art and panels and this time sirius really made it clear that the next book called lilith 2 will not be the kind of sketchy weird stuff that you will find at your regular library. in this chapter, we finally have a significant evolution of two of my favourite
Hello hello everyone, before you dive in right into the action. let me introduce to you a new concept on this blog called remember. remember are articles that was written long ago and that i liked and so i decided to repost them. to make a kind of remember on those old moment. so this articles was made in 2017 and it was one hell of an anime. for t
Kimi no hikari : asagao to kase-san i woke up this morning not very happy (i’m not really a morning person) and decided to open my curtain for this new normal day that has begun. after a good shower, i decide to open my phone and see what’s new on instagram (ig), well guess what popped up right at the moment i opened my feed. valentin’s day,
Novae a fantastique month that announce a lot of flowers, hearts and plenty of love letters, that’s what february is all about. i’m fully aware that some of us do not celebrate or even more do not like the so popular event called valentine’s day. but since this is the month of love, i have given myself the mission of offering you some suggest
White angels have no rest alternative name: none demographic: josei genre(s): yuri, drama, psychological, smut author(s): gado artist(s): gado available : lezhin type: manhwa or webtoon summary: dahye is still haunted by the abuse she got from yeonhwa. fate has it, dahye is able to carry out her revenge after so many years. in what ways will dahye
Hello everybody, yeah i know . it has sure been a while since i posted on this blog, i’m sincerely sorry for that, but i haven’t yet got use to manage school and my blog at the same time😅. so as an apology, i’ll offer you a small selection of anime for you to watch and that will cheer you up a little. anyway my name is kayfrid’s memory,
Sooooo, i thought it would be a great idea to write an article about hikikomori’s and how they are perceived in animes. and why not exposing some fact about them that you may or may not know. okay, without further due, let’s begin. hello everyone my name is kayfrid’s memory and welcome on busta jungle. a small definition to start up, hikikomo
Anime has been hanging around for a while now and even more , it has taken into a lot of popularity for a long time. the universe of anime is counting a lot of fans that are really passionate , and because of that pa ss ion, you may want to jump right in to the world of animation. nonetheless, there are some little things you need to know dear fell
Who ever you are, you have surely thought of this whenever you saw this name pop up in your manhwa suggestion, and you know what? you are right to think so, but wrong to imagine that this is what you’ll get in her pet by pito. however, you’ll definitely not regret reading this manhwa. at least, i do not regret reading it. my experience with her
Kon’nichiwa, today we are starting hard. back to school means for some people back to prison and to a system of grades that will determine your future. and you know what, this is what the anime n° 6 is all about. hello everyone, my name is kayfrid’s memory and welcome to busta jungle. we start strong into n° 6 right at the beginning, gun shoo
Mage and devil queen alternative name: n/a demographic: shoujo ai genre(s): romance, action, adventure, fantasy, comedy author(s): color_les artist(s): color_les available : webtoons type: manhwa or webtoons summary: adventurers seek to take the demon queen’s head, but a young female mage wishes to take her hand. ppov (personal point of view): he
Kasane alternative name: 累 -かさね-; かさね; 累; kasane (matsuura daruma) demographic: n/a genre(s): drama, psychological, school life, seinen, supernatural, tragedy author(s): matsuura daruma artist(s): matsuura daruma available : manga version type: manga summary: beautiful people are loved and revered. they have everything they desi
Lilith alternative name: n/a demographic: n/a genre(s): yuri, adult, webtoons author(s): sirius artist(s): chesire available : manhwa scan, lezhin type: manhwa summary: as far as anyone can tell, jaehee is a shy, hard-working high school teacher. once she's behind closed doors and drawn curtains, jaehee enjoys spending her time kneeling at the end
Shitsurakuen alternative name: shitsu rakuen (naomura tooru); paradise lost; 失楽園 demographic: shoujo-ai genre(s): comedy, action, harem, adventure, fantasy, school life, sci-fi author(s): naomura tooru artist(s): naomura tooru available : manga type: manga summary: himoto sora is a transfer student with a sense of justice and dreams of becomi
Bloom into you alternative name: eventually, i'll be yours, やがて君になる ; yagate kimi ni naru; 最終我成為了妳 ; demographic: shoujo ai genre(s): romance, school life, slice of life author(s): nakatani nio artist(s): nakatani nio available : manga type: manga summary: yuu has just begun her first year in high school but has still no
Moritat alternative name: n/a demographic: s honen ai genre(s): mystery, drama, psychological, sci-fi author(s): sunee lee artist(s): seokyeong available : manhwa, lezhin type: manhwa or webtoon summary: with all his memories wiped out, jesse, wakes up in the hospital and in front of him stands a man that suggests he's jesse's lover. however, the o
Ghost teller alternative name: n/a demographic: n/a genre(s): mystery, shonen, psychological author(s): qtt artist(s): qtt available : manhwa, line webtoon type: manhwa or webtoon summary: you think your ghost stories are scary? try listening to these stories from the ghosts themselves. ppov: hey dear busta gang, long time not seen. i happy to fina
Just right there alternative name: n/a demographic: josei genre(s): mature, yuri author(s): withyou artist(s): pecanpie available : manhwa type: manhwa or webtoon summary: min do yeon is an art teacher and is happily engaged to her boyfriend when suddenly he broke up with her thru text. desperately cried to her best friend bo kyung, she was asked b
Helloooo my dear and awesome busta gang, hope you are having a great day and that it will continue for as long as possible. well, i'll not turn around the bush, you all noticed the lack of activity on my blog this past few days. there's indeed a reason for that, but that will be discussed later on. firstly, i have to tell you that i sadly took the
Her shimcheong alternative name: 그녀의 심청, geunyeoui simcheong, her tale of shim chong demographic: josei genre(s): romance, historical, drama, yuri author(s): seri artist(s): biwan available : manhwa type: manhwa or webtoon summary: based on a korean folktale, two very different women find themselves making the same wish - to leave this wo
Hey dear gang, nice to see you today. i came back with another episode of the series mnemosyne, hope you will like it. as usual, subscribe, share or read another post on this blog, if you like what you see and want more. have a great day and enjoy mnemosyne – ep 4 , it's free. hope to see you for another discovery. peace and love
uploaded by crea
Devil drop alternative name: падение дьявола demographic: yuri genre(s): supernatural, romance, comedy, mature author(s): nanao grey artist(s): nanao grey available : manhwa type: manhwa summary: one day, joan, a young and sexually frustrated jobseeker, wakes up from a highly erotic dream only to discover that the star of that dream,
Hey dear busta gang, hope you all good and today i'm back with another episode of kbj mnemosyne, a series that i recently started on my blog. anyway, i hope you are enjoying it so far and i'll see you soon for another discovery. peace and love
enjoy it's free!!!
Two lives in the same house alternative name: 2 lives 1 house, another face of roommate, hanjip du sallim, 한집두살림 demographic: yuri genre(s): action, drama, school life, comedy, smut, romance author(s): yulseo artist(s): yulseo available : manhwa type: manhwa or webtoons summary: hara meets a beautiful girl at a club one night, and goes ho
Hello gang, hope you are alright and having a good day. here is another episode of the series i presented to you last week. but before that, i have been noticed of the problems my post was facing concerning this series “ mnemosyne ep 1 ”. right now, everything has been solved and the title of the series has been modified because of some errors
Hello gang, hope you are having a good day because sorry i'll spoil it. because today i have bad news for you about the end of the great elixir. to begin with i have to tell you that if you haven't read the end of elixir yet, this article will contain a lot of spoilers, but i suppose you already knew when you read the title of this post. so, as sai
Hey gang, nice to see you again. as you would surely notice, this is not one of my conventional articles that i usually do. today, i want to present to you all, something new, since i have several passions, i wanted to share all of them with you. nonetheless, don't worry. none of this will go far from what i usually do, it will stay in the same con
Hello gang, hope you all good. unfortunately, today is not a good day for me, i recently fell sick and for that reason i can't continue to fulfil my duties against my blog for now. my apologies to all of you lovers and supporters, it will probably take at least a week for me to completely regain my full capacities. so, my blog will stay on hiatus f
Heartsick alternative name: n/a demographic: shounen ai genre(s): drama, romance, yuri author(s): 夜天 insane artist(s): 夜天 insane available : manhua type: manhua summary: this is a story of the two teenagers who met by fate in a town during their different summer getaway. both likes the same bs comic and by fate met twice, at which time they
Story of our lives alternative name: 그들의 사정 , their circumstances (sria) demographic: shounen ai genre(s): drama, romance author(s): sria artist(s): chahyun available : manhwa & lezhin type: manhwa summary: whether it is a fantasy or a real ghost, hyunwoo keeps seeing jihye, his dead girlfriend whom he dated for 10 years. the car accident
Blood bank alternative name: 블러드 뱅크 demographic: yaoi genre(s): drama, mature, fantasy, romance author(s): silb artist(s): silb available : manhwa & lezhin type: manhwa summary: a world where vampire govern humans! welcome to blood bank, it's filled with fresh blood. one is a hard-working banker and isn't affected by vampire pheromones. o
Hello friends, it's been a while, hope you all doing good and sorry, i had to deal with a lot. but as promised i'm not gone, i'm just not a daily poster. however, no matter the reason, you can't get rid of me and today, i'll talk about a subject that concern me and i think will all asked ourselves ones in our life. of course, all what i'll be sayin
Age matters alternative name: n/a demographic: shonen genre(s): comedy, romance, webtoon author(s): enjelicious artist(s): enjelicious available : manhwa or webtoon type: webtoon summary: story of a 25 yr. old billionaire bachelor who met a bizarre woman in her 30s and how they fall in love. does age really matter? ppov: hello dear busta gang and w
Ballroom e youkoso alternative name: ボールルームへようこそ ; 舞动青春 ; 볼룸에 오신것을 환영합니다 ; ball room e youkoso; sweep over the dance hall demographic: shounen genre(s): drama , romance , school life , sports author(s): takeuchi tomo artist(s): takeuchi tomo available : manga & anime series type: manga summary: