TAACA WELCOME ANY ANGOLAN OR NON- ANGOLAN, WHO WANTS TO BECOME A MEMBER. (FREE MEMBERSHIP) MEMBERS BENEFIT PROGRAM IN THE U.S.A Helping those in need at the bottom of the socioeconomic and improve academic skills to empower families in the community and fight against poverty by providing resource Information and services for members as part of rising founds to benefit, support, and enhance Angolan Families, Children, Elderly opportunities as well as social well-being in our Communities. 1.Resource information: - Housing for Low Income. - Health Care Information. - Food Assistance. - Clothing Assistance - Rent / Leasing Program information - Events information. - Translation / interpretation Documents _ English -Portuguese and Portuguese -English. - Education information source. - Pick up and drop off. ( transportation) less than 50 miles. - Community information - Jobs opportunity information. - Portuguese,Kizomba & Semba Lessons.
Managed by TAACA, Os Anjos de Angola na California = The Angels of Angola in California
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