In this we try to solve the problems which occurs during study of those students who thought that maths is a fearfull subject.
Managed by Rahul Prajapati
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A maths wizard has discovered the largest known prime number and its and amazing 17 million digits long. kurtis cooper,of the university of central missouri in the us found it by using hundreds of computers networked together. you might not have to be a maths genius to know that a prime number greater than 1, which can only be divided by itself and
Vedic mathematics is a monumental work of the late shankaracharya bharati krishna tirtha of govardhan peeth.teaching and learning of vedic mathematics means to lay foundation of the super structure of the mathematics. we now go on to square a perfect square number. ★ a number is said to be a perfect square if its extract square root can be obtain
- cbse sample paper for class 10 maths download free.pdf
- 2014_10_lyp_mathematics_16.pdf
- 2013_10_lyp_mathematics_sa2_01.pdf
- 2012_10_lyp_mathematics_sa2.pdf
- 10-maths-cbse-sample-papers-2016.pdf
- cbse sample papers for class 10 mathematics sa 2.pdf
Squaring in this simple trick we need to modify the equation and make the units digit ze ro.after all it is easy to multiply when unit digit is 0. for example:- find square of 43:- =(43+3)*(43-3)+(3*3) =( 46*40)+9 =(460*4)+9 =1840+9 =1849 in this technique we simplify the squaring method by making one units digit 0.it is far easy to multiply 50*24
Srinivasa ramajunan it is one of the most romantic story of mathematics in 1913 the england mathematician g.h.hardy received a strange letter from an unknown clerk in madras,lndia. the 10-page letter contained about 120 statements of theorems on infinite series,improper integrals,continued fraction and number theory.every prominent mathematician ge
O (zero) the word '0' came into the english language via french z'ero from italian 0 zero,italian contraction of venetian zevero form of italian zefiro via safira or sirf. history the italian mathematician fibonacci(c. 1170-1250), who grew up in north africa and is credited with introducing the decimal system to europe,used the term zephyrum. use t
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