Abbott And Costello: biography
Abbott and Costello became one of the finest comedy double acts in early 20th century showbiz. Over 25 years they made the transition from music hall to TV and cinema, inspiring generations of future artistes in the process.
Early Meetings William Alexander Abbott was born in New Jersey in 1897. In 1906 he met his future partner Louis Francis Cristillo, but it was not until 1936 that the two finally teamed up as Abbott & Costello. Perfect Pairing Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were the perfect team, with Lou's dumb fall guy constantly outwitted by Bud's straightman.
National Fame Although they were a firm favourite on the burlesque circuit, it was their appearance on the Kate Smith Radio Hour performing the iconic 'who is on first' skit that brought national success. Move to Movies In 1939 the pair were signed by Universal Studios and began making a string of highly successful Abbott and Costello movies. By the end of the decade they had made more than a dozen films, including Buck Privates, Rio Rita and the famous Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. They reigned supreme as the comic leaders of Hollywood. National Heroes During the Second World War the pair toured widely in the U.S. promoting the sale of War Bonds. They were later honored by Mayor LaGuardia of New York for raising almost $90 million in the process. TV Success The pair's TV career is sometimes overlooked. The Abbott and Costello Show ran for only two seasons from 1952. But their performances on the Colgate Comedy Hour, kept them in the public eye until late into the Fifties. The Act Still Lives The Abbott and Costello collection of DVDs, including their appearances on the Colgate Show, were released by their respective families after their deaths.
A Tribute to the Comedy Greats Lou Costello died in 1959 and Bud Abbott in 1974, but their names live on in both comedy and baseball history. The duo were the first and only non-baseball stars to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame for their masterpiece of memory and comic timing, 'Who is on First'. A fitting tribute.