Five celebrity car crashes
Celebrity car crashes, though tragic, are big news and over the years, there have been many of them with some, sadly, resulting in deaths. This article outlines the biggest celebrity car crashes that have been covered in the news in recent decades.
Princess Diana
The most famous celebrity car crash is that of Princess Diana in Paris in 1997. The former wife of the heir to the British Monarchy, Prince Charles, was killed when the Mercedes in which she was traveling crashed at the entrance of a tunnel in the late hours on 31st August 1997. She was killed alongside her boyfriend, son of Fulham's football chief Mohammed Al-Fayed, Dodo Al-Fayed. The British nation and the world was left mourning the death of their princess.
James Dean
James Dean, an American actor was killed on 30th September 1955, in a brand new Porsche Spyder. James Dean had starred in the film 'Rebel Without a Cause' and his premature death at age 24 catapulted him into legend. The car that he had been traveling in was nicknamed 'little bastard' and his last words were allegedly, "That guy's gotta stop... He'll see us."
Lisa Nicole Lopes
Lisa Nicole Lopes was a member of the popular R & B and hip hop girls' group, TLC. She was killed in a car accident on 25th April 2002 in Honduras. Lopes was driving a red Mitsubishi SUV and on attempting to surpass a car, an oncoming truck forced her to sharply veer off the road. Her vehicle hit several trees and rolled several times, landing upside down near Roma, Honduras. Lopes was killed on the spot but the passengers, including Lopes' sister, survived the crash.
A couple of Manchester United accidents
Cristiano Ronaldo Whilst at Manchester United in January 09, Cristiano Ronaldo famously wrote off his brand new Ferrari, near Manchester airport on his way to training. Ronaldo was luckily unhurt but his wallet wasn't as he had just splashed out over £200,000 for the car! Anderson Manchester United's midfielder, Anderson is lucky to be alive after he was dragged unconscious from his burning Audi R8 after crashing it into a farm wall in Portugal. Thankfully, despite being unconscious, the player was left relatively unscathed.