Five guidelines to help your writing
There are many ways in which you can improve your writing if you identify the best approach that will work for you. Having done this you will find the process easier and more rewarding.
Planning and structure
Whether it is how to outline an essay or how to do a CV, doing some planning before you put the words down in front of you will help. Making notes on what message you want to convey will make things easier and these can be referred to during composition. Similarly, finding the right structure will allow you to express yourself with greater clarity. Guidelines The structure you use will be largely dependent on what you are writing but it is important to pay a healthy respect to the guidelines which need to be met. There are basic guidelines which will help to keep your written work more discipline. Research different outlines and these will help you to put your message in the way that you intended.
Any difficulties you have when it comes to written work are generally down to maintaining focus on the specific task. It can be easy to go off point and include unnecessary detail. If this is an issue that you have been faced with, look at the notes you made when planning and what the structure of your work demands. If you still have difficulties, these can be ironed out when you have completed and are ready to proofread and edit what you have done.
Get it written
Procrastination means that you will put off the task at hand and may even find yourself doing it at the last minute. Discipline yourself to ensure that this does not happen by setting yourself strict deadlines. This helps to focus the mind on what needs to be done. Once the task has been completed, consider giving yourself a small reward. Doing this regularly provides an incentive that will keep you productive even when you encounter difficulties.
Proofreading and editing
When you have finished any piece of writing don't think that the job is complete Checking and double checking is the best way to make sure your work is to the best standard that you are capable of. Proofreading is not just a case of using the spelling and grammar check on your computer. Print out a copy and read it through This will help you to figure out ways in which you could make it more readable and accessible. This is particularly useful with an important piece such as a final dissertation, a CV or covering letter sent to an employer. Let someone else read it too, as the opinions of others can help you to make minor changes you may not have considered.