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Fun facts about Austin Powers in Goldmember

Austin Powers in Goldmember is the third and final film in a spy spoof trilogy written by the Canadian comedian Mike Myers and directed by Jay Roach. This article looks at the trivia behind the international man of mystery.

The plot

Plot Austin Powers again takes on Dr Evil (both played by Mike Myers) to foil a plan that involves heading back to the 1970's. Dr Evil goes back in time to team up with Goldmember (Myers again), a Seventies super-villain with an obsession with a certain precious metal. Austin must foil them and rescue his kidnapped father, Nigel (Michael Caine), with the help of Foxx Cleopatra (Beyonce Knowles).

Galaxy of stars

Myers may play four characters (Fat Bastard makes up the quartet), but there is plenty of room for other stars. Steven Spielberg, Kevin Spacey, Britney Spears, Tom Cruise, Danny DeVito, Katie Couric, Gwyneth Paltrow, John Travolta, Nathan Lane, and The Osbournes all play cameo roles. Musical members As well as Beyonce, the world of music is well represented in the film. Quincy Jones who composed the Austin Powers theme music, Soul Bossa Nova, pops up. Susannah Hoffs, former lead singer of the Bangles and wife of the director Jay Roach, performs on the Goldmember soundtrack and has a brief foray on screen, while making it a hat-trick of appearances is Burt Bacharach.
The legendary songwriter appears in all three Austin Powers films.

What's in a number

In the jail scene we catch a glimpse of Dr Evil and Mini-Me's prison numbers. Evil is 00001, Mini-Me's a fraction less at 00001/8. In another number gag Goldmember's Studio 69 is based on Studio 54, the infamous New York club, which was featured in film starring Myers. Aims and objectives At one point, Austin's list of things to do before he dies.
It goes: 1 Become International Man of Mystery
2 Save World from Certain Doom
3 Find True Love
4 Go To Outer Space
5 Travel Through Time, Backward and Forward
6 Be Cryogenically Frozen
7 Catch Dr Evil in the First Act
8 Threesome with Japanese Twins
9 Earn Daddy's Respect.

Not a lot of people know

Final word
Michael Caine is wearing the glasses from his role as the spy Harry Palmer in The Ipcress File (1965). Myers has said that the glasses Austin wears were modelled on that film. Despite being stalwarts of the British cinema for several decades, Michaels Caine and York had never appeared in a film together before this. York plays Austin's boss, Basil Exposition.

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