How to manage recruitment and selection
The success of an organisation is determined by the relevant skills that can be effectively matched to specific job requirements. The initial step to the success of an organisation starts on the recruitment and selection stage of employees. This is a process of screening and hiring people to join your organisation. A guideline to total recruitment is discussed in this article.
When to hire workers
The recruitment and selection process is guided by the need to hire staff, which defines when it is necessary to do so. There are reasons that determine when the company need additional staff such as when the company is expanding its operations, when there are some specific skills required, when the company open new branches, employee equality and diversity as well as when introducing unique products.
Managing the recruitment and selection process
Job advertising When a new vacancy arises, the company advise internally and/or externally depending on the employment equity rules and the type of skills required. The recruitment manager verbally inform all internal employees through e-mail, through publishing in public communication channels like radio, newspapers, through online jobs on UK websites and/or through employment agencies in UK. Recruitment process Prospective job candidates respond to the application through submitting their application letters, curriculum vitae, completing a structured company application form as well as submitting other related documents, like referral letters. Interviews The recruitment HR short-list job applicants and interview them. The interview criteria are face-to-face question and answer session, written examination, telephone interview and practical interview. Any criterion depends on the demands of the job and the level. For example, a specific skill vacancy may require a face-to-face interview, a selection test together with a practical interview. Interview result analysis Information and characteristics necessary during employee recruitment relates to personality, job knowledge, experience, reference, criminal record, language, current salary, expected salary and benefits, and presentation. An individual who scores higher marks on all these categories qualifies for the job. Job offer The successful candidate is offered a contract for his signature before job orientation and joining the company.
Why recruitment and selection process
To hire the right candidate This process is very important for the company to employ a suitable candidate in relation to the job requirements and the company’s recruitment policy and procedures. Reduces employee exodus The recruitment and selection process reduces employee exodus because the right employee is hired at the right time.