Where to buy anatomy flashcards
Learning anatomy in detail can be one of the most difficult tasks for any health care-related student or others needing to know the parts of the body. With so many body parts to memorise, along with their functions and how they’re connected to each other, anatomy exams can cause panic attacks from the sheer amount of material to memorise. However, there are several good sets of anatomy flashcards available.
The huge task of learning anatomy
Learning anatomy for any student can seem to be an impossible task. Looking at it as Gross Anatomy (the study of large structures) and Microscopic Anatomy (the study of microscopic anatomical structures), makes it appear even more cumbersome. The realisation that it is necessary to learn everything about the human body, how they fit together and interact, and how they all work to produce desired responses as well as explaining everything that can go wrong, becomes overwhelming. While study groups, mnemonics, and CDs have helped with this arduous task, more students have been helped through the use of flashcards.
Flashcards for sale
The most popular sets of cards for sale are: - Kaplan Medical Anatomy Flashcards - Contains 310 fully illustrated cards. - Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards: with Online Student Consult Access - Includes 300 cards with full colour illustrations from Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy with text explanations. It can be put into a binder and accessed from any computer. It also comes with 300 multiple choice questions. - Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access - 748 illustrated flashcards with online access and clinical questions. - Anatomy Flash Cards: Anatomy on the Go (Gilroy) – 350 colour illustrated cards, questions and answers, clinical applications. All can be ordered new or used through Amazon.co.uk and downloaded immediately after submitting payment.
Free downloadable flashcards
While many of the flashcards for sale provide excellent coverage and detailed photos/pictures, there are also several websites where you can access thousands of online flashcards for free including: - Flashcard Exchange (Flashcardexchange.com) - In addition to anatomy and other medical topics, this site also includes flashcards for many other career-related and general learning topics. - ProProfs Flashcards (Proprofs.com) - On this site, you can access already created flashcards, or you can create your own and complete with colour pictures of your choice. The site also includes millions of cards related to multiple topics. - Quizlet (Quizlet.com) - This site offers a limited set of flashcards, though it provides other functions such as a quiz option to test your learning process. - Word Dynamo (Dynamo.dictionary.com) - Includes multiple flashcards that you can use to create random “deck”, a game function and a word list function among other web-based strategies.