A guide to buy Pulaski furniture
The Pulaski company claims to fill a “niche for upper and middle bedroom, dining, occasional, and youth furniture” and judging by its collections, this does appear to be the case. They cater for the more conservative and tradition customers with their Accents, Aston Park, Edwardian and Royal collections to name a few. For the more modern buyer, they have the Tangerine 300 , Tangerine 310 and Tangerine 330 collections. They even cater for infant customers with their Positively Yours and Beariffic collections and also hold the exclusive rights for Build-A-Bare workshop furniture.
Pulaski website
If you are looking to buy Pulaski furniture, your first port of call should be their
website. There, you will find a page which finds your closest dealers in Pulaski
furniture. On their website, it is suggested that potential buyers first call their chosen dealer to confirm that they do stock Pulaski furniture and that they have the items from the collection you want or that they will be able to order them in.
Whilst on their website, you should take time to browse through their online catalogue of their collections. Alongside those previously mentioned, their online catalogue also includes their Birkhaven, Brookfield, Calistoga, Curios, Glenhaven, Murano, and San Mateo collections.
Alternatively, you may also browse their products by types of features. For example, their website allows you to browse through their items by categories such as chinas, small tables and accents, dining tables, night stands, benches and much more. If you are not ready to buy their furniture at the time of browsing, their website also very helpfully allows you to create a wish list so that you can also remind yourself (or others!) which items were you favourites.
For more information, visit Pulaskifurniture.com.
Other websites
Alternatively, you may also find Pulaski furniture on Thefurniture.com. Not only do they stock a wide variety of their collections, but Pulaski furniture is often sold at a
discounted price.
If you wish to try and find second hand Pulaski furniture on websites such as Ebay.com or Amazon.com, then you will not have much luck as Pulaski future is not only well-established and very good quality, but their items are also big investments. So, you will not find anybody letting go of any of their pieces quite so quickly!