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A guide to office decor that improves productivity

Nobody likes to work in a drab, messy office. It is indeed obvious that a neat attractive workplace will be a better work environment. However, is it possible to use decor in order to boost productivity? This article will help you to find out.

Why office decor is so important

The first research on the effects of decor took place back in the 1960s. Researchers discovered that factory workers were more productive, in an environment with vibrant colours rather, dark depressing ones. Since then, there has been an increasing trend towards work decor and ergonomics. It is not simply a case of psychology, on a practical level. If an office is well-designed, with every useful device in easy range, it becomes a more ergonomic place to work, and, in the process, it becomes more efficient. Ergonomically, office design reduces time waste in an office. For example, if a busy printer is placed right beside a worker's desk, it might reduce the employee’s productivity, because they have to stop working every time someone goes to print something. On another level, ergonomic design can also be important, because it implies office furniture, which is comfortable, and comfortable employees are more likely to stay and work at their desks, which will aid productivity. Benefits of attractive and ergonomically office decor · Better morale · Higher motivation · Increased creativity · Increased productivity · Improved team bonding · Improved revenue · Improved first impression on prospects and customers

A guide to more productive decor

Colours Colour requirements vary. For instance, an office, which is geared, towards design and innovation will be a more energetic location than an office filled with clerical workers. The colour scheme needs to match this. For instance, light pastel colours, soft blues, greens and yellows are sedate and relaxing and help stressed-out clerical workers to relax. Whereas for more creative office, brighter colours, such as deep blues and striking reds can be more effective. Layout Unless strapped for space, it is a good idea to move away from the cubicle office style, which has an oppressive quality about it. In particular, creative work places thrive on an expansive design. Decorations Decoration should match the ethos of the office. So, for example, a financial office may have office wall art and office pictures, which denote the aesthetic appeal and integrity of the office. However, a creative office, would be better-off with striking office posters. Home office ideas For people who have a home office, office decor is still important. Many home workers have terrible offices, it is easy to under-rate decor when working from home. It is most important when working from home to create a professional office which inspires productivity.

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