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A review of Christian Carter's "Catch Him & Keep Him"

There are many 'How to get your man' advice for women books out there, and all contain plenty of dating tips for women of all ages. However, most of them are written either by women themselves or perhaps by trained psychologists. Here is one that is slightly different in that it has been written by a man, untrained perhaps, but not lacking real experience in the dating game. The book is 'Catch Him and Keep Him' by Christian Carter and here follows a brief review.


The book is essentially an expose on how men really think, written by a man who is not afraid to show off his masculinity and who admits to having 'been there and done that' many times. Christian Carter certainly doesn't shy away from revealing all the grim realities (for some women at least) of what men really want from women. Different worlds While many women naturally want men to think much in the same way as they do, unashamedly revealing their true heartfelt emotions along the way, Carter scoffs at this and insists that this kind of thinking is both useless and nonsensical. Quite simply, men are different. That's the way it is, and it's up to women to accept this without judgement.

Positive points

Carter offers many great insider insights for all his readers, including how to recognise a player or other types of men who are not ideal for a relationship. In addition, he reveals the reasons as to why women are often so hopelessly attracted by just these type of men. Understanding your emotional responses There is also some great insight into just how a woman's 'female intuition' is often something that they shouldn't necessarily rely on too much. In fact, he insists on women's need to challenge their intuitive sense as often as possible, and emphasises how women should be realistic about both their expectations and their own 'emotional fitness'. This book provides good advice from a man who really seems to know what he is talking about.

Negative points

On the downside, there may be many readers out there who are a little disappointed with the lack of real psychological depth involved in Carter's analysis. Many of those would prefer something by the Ph.D types such as Harville Hendrix. Verdict However, on the whole, this is a professionally written and interesting book and the 'Interviews with Dating & Relationships Experts' CDs that are included free as a bonus , make it of great value for money.

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