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Buying guide: Computer projectors for the home

This particular article is dwelling on computer projectors for the home. It is also acting as a guide to prospective novice buyers. It further elaborates on some of the key features that are necessary with any projector system. The article has mainly deliberated on projectors resolutions and how they are likely to affect the buyer’s usage experience.

Buying guide for home computer projector

Your most important duty is to know details of your projector resolution. This is the number of pixels available to create an image. A projector resolution is commonly designated either a single number or double digits. In typical cases, double digit resolutions gets listed as”1280*720”. The first number indicated the number of pixels on each horizontal row while the second shows the number of pixels on each vertical column. Projector are designated titles according vertical resolution such as,”720p”.The “p” simply indicates that the number of pictures are displayed at the same time. Choosing to purchase an AV projector with many resolutions is the best choice. Reasons are: 1.They are able to display all details in the picture. 2.They can do away with the visibility of the pixel structure. For a good home computer projector, these are necessary.

Common resolutions in home projectors

1280*720 This has been the most popular home pc projector resolution over the years. It offers very good DVD video quality and also it has high performance in displaying 1080-line video like the 1080i on broadcast HDTV or 1081p on
Blu-ray disc. Currently, the street price of this excellent resolution format has dropped widely and this has happened over the years making it most affordable today. 1280*768 It is a high brid resolution. It combines the ability to display 16:9 video in 1280*720 together with standard computer resolution XGA (1024*769) and WXG (1280*768) without scaling. 1920*1080 This resolution gives the most detailed images available today. This is because the pixel density which makes visible pixel structure non-existent. These resolutions are available at different prices depending on customers needs.

Selecting the right projector resolution

Two resolutions for widescreen 16.9 home theater format are strongly recommended, that is, 1280*720 and 1920*1080.1280*800 or 1280*768 formats are recommended for video and data projectors users. For a person with a moderate budget, 1280*720 formats are most advisable to 1080i. Today's 720p projectors deliver very high quality images, hence not much compromise in picture quality comes to the fore.

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