Compare and contrast vinyl tapes
Almost all people have one or more tapes in their houses. They are usually used regularly for various reasons and are made from various materials. Tapes made from vinyl are widely preferred. Read the following article and find out more interesting information about vinyl tapes.
General Information
What is vinyl? Any organic compound which contains a vinyl group is referred to as vinyl. There are many items in the market, some more and some less known, made of vinyl. Name The name vinyl comes from the Latin word vinum, which meant wine and demonstrates the relationship between the original meaning of vinyl, namely ethyl alcohol and alcohol.
Vinyl tapes
Electrical tapes
Vinyl is usually used for manufacturing electrical tapes – or else known as insulating tapes. Electrical tape is a pressure – sensitive tape used by electricians to insulate electrical wires and any other material which conducts electricity. Yet, electrical tapes are not only made from vinyl – they are also made from a vast variety of different type of plastics. Electrical tapes from vinyl though are far more popular, because it has the ability to stretch, is very effective and lasts long. There is a vast variety of electrical tapes, but the most common is the black one.
Electricians usually use the black electrical tape for insulation purposes and other colours (there are red, blue, orange, brown, yellow, green electrical tapes as well as electrical tapes with stripes) to indicate the phase of the wire, this is why coloured tapes are also known as phasing tapes. Electricians and experts are familiarised with the use of colours and they know what they represent. Therefore, their job is far more simpler. Be extremely cautious though, since not all vinyl tapes are safe for electrical use.
Marking tapes
You can use marking tapes made from vinyl to mark the limit between areas, for example floors and aisles. They are usually used in industries and shopping malls to determine hazardous areas, since they are also ideal with low light environments. They are also commonly used in construction areas. You can find vinyl marking tapes in a variety of colours and strips.