How can I make my own chair pad?
The use of chairs dates back to ancient Egypt. At first, the chair was used for kings, pharaohs, bishops, and lords. The common folk sat on backless stools, chests, and benches.The chairs of the 1600s looked more like the ones of nowadays, but the French made them comfortable. There are times, however, when a chair can use a little padding. By reading this article, you can make your own chair pad.
- Buy three yards of fabric of your choice as well as half inch thick foam, thread and straight pins. - Choose fabric that will withstand constant use. It can be floral, tapestry, or any fabric that will be easy to wash. - Cut open a paper bag so as to make one large piece of paper. Use the paper to create a pattern for the seat covers. - Fold the fabric in half, right sides together. Lay the pattern on the fabric, and trace around it. Draw around the pattern, again adding half inch seam allowance. - Repeat this step until you have drawn enough to make as many kitchen seat pads as you will need. Cut out the fabric. - Cut twelve strips of cloth, two and a half inches wide and 12 inches long. These will be the ties for the kitchen chair pads. - Cut the foam to shape.
- Fold the strips of cloth together, right side to right side, and sew along the length, making a long tube. Turn each of the ties right side out, and sew closed the ends. - Mark the areas where you will attach the ties on the back of the cushion piece. - Lay the fabric pieces for the cushion right side to right side, and pin them together. Pin two ties to the back of the cushion piece. - Sew the two cushion pieces together, leaving the back open. Repeat this step until you have sewn four pads' covers for the chair.
- Turn the pad covers right side out. Slip in the foam pieces, and hand-sew the back closed, leaving the ties free. Repeat this step for all of the chair pad covers. - Tie the chair pads to the chairs. - To add additional details to the chair pads, you can sew on cording, lace or ruffles around the outside of the cushion.