How do I make my computer faster?
Computers get slow over time. A reason for this usually is installing and uninstalling programs. When you install a computer program, it writes stuff to the registry. Depending on the program, when you uninstall the program, it should remove what it writes in the registry. If it doesn't, your PC gets slow as a result of the registry getting cluttered. Here are three steps which can help speed up your PC:
Increase your computer's boot speed
The first thing you need to do is reduce your PC's start-up time 1. Click on the "Start" menu and select "Run". 2. In the window that appears, type in "msconfig" 3. Another window should appear. Go to the "Startup" tab. 4. All the programs that start-up when your computer boots are listed here. Look through the list. Uncheck the box for any program you know doesn't need to start, e.g. Adobe Reader, etc. 5. Click "Ok". 6. On the next window that shows, click on "Exit without Restart".
Clean up your PC
Using the built-in tools for Windows, you can have a faster computer. 1. Go to "Start" >> "Programs" >> "Accessories" >> "System Tools" >> "Disk Cleanup". 2. When the window loads up, based on your computer's state, check or uncheck the boxes beside the items to delete. Note that checking a box besides an item means that you want to delete that item from your computer, for example checking the box beside "Recycle Bin" means that you wish to delete everything in your recycle bin. 3. Go to the next tab, the "More Options" tab. From this tab, you can either uninstall programs, delete restore points or even remove some Windows components. Select "OK" when you're done. 4. Go to "Start" >> "Programs" >> "Accessories" >> "System Tools" >> "Disk Defragmenter". 5. On the window that appears, select "Defragment".
Making more memory available
Next step is to add memory to what is currently available. This will speedup your PC. 1. Go to "Start" and click on "Run". 2. Type in sysdm.cpl and hit enter to show the system properties window. Go to the "Advanced" tab. 3. Under Performance, click the "Settings" button. 4. Under the "Visual Effects" tab, uncheck every box except the last, third to last and sixth to last items (Use the images attached as a guide). 5. Go to the "Advanced" tab to add more RAM. Under "Virtual Memory", click on "Change". 6. Under "Custom size", enter a "Maximum size" less than half of the available space on your PC Hard-disk and an "Initial size" that is slightly less than the "Maximum size" and click "Set" then "OK". Finally, restart your computer. This should have helped improve the performance of your PC.