How to choose the perfect chair
The first beds may have been made in the Neolithic era. They were made of rough-hewn rock and resembled benches more than chairs. In 20,000 BC, there were chairs in the tombs in China, and they were simple and without backs - more like stools. The Egyptians had chairs and stools as well, but it was not until the ancient Greece that the chairs were used by all. In the 15th century, the chair became lighter, but chair development did not stop there.
When trying to pick out the perfect chair, you need to think about the chair's purpose. Is it going to be a chair in which you lounge watching TV, or the chair in which you will curl up to read? Will you use the chair to sit at the kitchen table or the dining room table or will you use the chair to sit at your desk? Will it work well for the outdoors? These things must be the first details to consider when choosing your perfect chair. For example, the zero gravity chairs would work well outdoors while the lumbar support chair might be what your sore back was asking for. Who will be sitting in the chair should be considered as well. The chair should match the size of the sitter.
The chair's scale should be kept in perspective. It should not only fit the person, but the room. A huge, puffy chair might be the height of comfort, but not if you can't put it in the room. The chair should also match the décor of the room.
Best chair you can afford
Try to buy the best chair that you can afford. Don't limit yourself to just furniture stores, but look elsewhere as well. The perfect chair is worth the search. Look in antique stores, rummage sales, yard sakes, estate sales, auctions. If you want to have a new chair, try to buy one in the best materials that you can afford, such as steel coils, hardwood for the frame, with double-doweled joints and more.
Make sure that the chair has all the features that you want, such as firm cushions or soft ones, the upholstery that you like, the style of arms that you prefer. Most importantly, sit in the chair to make sure that it's something that you'll want to sit in for years to come.