How to install stone flooring
Stone flooring, whether it is natural or in the form of tiles presents a rustic look to any home. Once laid and in position, this type of flooring can last for generations. If you would like to learn how to install stone flooring, then read the guide below.
Preparing and estimating
Preparing the floor or surface
On a new construction, a sub-floor surface of concrete or similar is required to be laid to provide a level surface.
When using stone flooring on an existing floor, you may have to pour a thin layer of concrete to achieve a level surface.
It is advisable to place a water resistant layer onto this surface when being used at ground level.
Estimating how many stones
Measure the width and length of the floor to be covered to find the total number of stones you require.
Add an extra 15% to your estimation, this is to allow for cutting and fitting of stones as you fill around the edges.
Purchasing mortar or grout
When purchasing the mortar or grout for beneath and between your tiles consult with the sales person about the correct products you need.
Different stones require different products to bind them, some stones retain moisture differently to others and so they require a different bonding material.
Laying your stone floor
Begin in the centre
Lay your first tile in the centre of the room and work your way outwards.
To ensure you begin perfectly square use chalk lines on the sub-floor to guide you.
Lay as many complete tiles as you can before you reach any points that require you to cut stones into shape.
Filling in the spaces
To fill the spaces at the edges you will need to cut the stone floor tiles to size and shape.
For this task, you will need a stone cutter.
An alternative to this is to use smaller sized stones around the edges to fill in those spaces and create an original look.
Use a sealant
Some stones are very porous and these will need to be finished with a coating of sealant.
Marble and granite stone surfaces do not need to go through this process but most other stone surfaces require a waterproof sealing.
Final word
The sealant also helps with cleaning as the stones will not become stained through absorbing any spillages and ruining the natural stone look.
To find the best cheap tiles and marble slabs, make sure to run a Google search online.