How to make a CD and DVD storage rack?
You can make a CD and DVD storage rack with simple materials that will help you get organized. The most important thing you need to know is the stand dimensions of the CD and DVD cases before you get started. You can build a rack of a single shelf, or you can build more than one and stack them.
How many CD/DVDs?
Count how many CDs and DVDs you currently have, and then add the number you think you may be purchasing in the future. One DVD equals a half inch of shelf space, so if you have 100 DVDs in your collection, you will need 50 inches of total shelf space. Divide the amount of storage needed by the number of racks you prefer. This gives you the amount of storage space you need for each rack. For example, if you want 5 shelves to store 200 DVDs, each shelf will need to be 100 inches/5 shelves = 20 inches per shelf.
Cut the lumber
Cut pieces of 1X6 or 1X7 lumber using a saw. You will need enough lumber for each DVD shelf plus one extra. The pieces of lumber should be approximately one inch longer than the above-measured shelf length. Cut 8 inch long pieces of lumber, or cut 1-inch thick dowel sticks into 10 inch long pieces to construct the support walls for the CD/DVD racks.
Drill holes
Drill holes into the corners of the shelf pieces if using dowel sticks. The drill bit on the drill should be of the same size as the dowel thickness.
Use wood glue
Use wood glue and glue the supports to the ends of one shelf piece. If using dowel sticks, apply the wood glue to the end of the rod, and then insert into the drilled holes. Use wood glue to glue a shelf board on top of the support pieces. This completes the first rack shelf. Repeat these steps until you reach the number of shelves you desire for your CD/DVD collection. When you are finished, you can sand and stain the shelving wood, or you can paint it in any colour you like. If you are going to paint the wood, make sure you use a good paint.