How to open registry editor?
This article will show you how to open the Windows Registry Editor. You can have it open in a few short steps for Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7.
What is the Registry
The Windows Registry is a database that holds the configuration data and settings on your computer. The information in the registry is stored in order, which means it has a hierarchical structure. This makes it easier to navigate. Each piece of data has a value assigned to it. The Windows Registry monitors the software that is installed upon a computer, and checks that the programs installed relate to each other. It stores software applications installed on your computer, user preferences, hardware devices, operating system configuration, etc. It is very complex and should never be tampered with unless you know what you are doing. You should always back-up the Windows Registry before making any changes to it. A wrong change can cause a lot of damage to your computer. You can back-up your registry in a matter of minutes. Make sure to back-up the registry to a location that you will remember. You can have the registry backed-up in a few minutes. Follow the steps below: Open the Windows Registry Editor following the steps below. Click File from the file menu bar at the top, and then click Export. A Export Registry File dialog box opens on the screen.
Windows XP
The Windows Registry is opened a little differently in Windows XP, but very simple. Click the Start button in the bottom left corner of the screen, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and press Enter. When you press Enter, the Windows Registry opens on the screen.
Windows Vista and Windows 7
It is just as easy to open the Windows Registry Editor in Windows Vista or Windows 7. You use the same steps to open the registry editor for each of these operating systems. Click the Start button in the bottom left corner of the screen, type regedit in the Search box and press Enter. If you are prompted for an administrator password, type the password to provide confirmation. When you press Enter, the Windows Registry opens on the screen.