How to select computer repair companies
Whilst most computers tend to spend the majority of their lives running more or less maintenance free, occasionally the worst can happen. Be it from constant crashing to problems with graphics, from sound not working to the computer not even starting up, these are just some examples where professional help might be required. This article will help you to select the right computer repair company.
Things to consider
The first thing to consider when your computer isn't working correctly is the warranty. Have you checked whether your PC isn't still under warranty? Whilst most warranties typically last just a year, some manufacturers offer more than this. If so, get in touch with the manufacturer as they'll have the best facilities for repairing your equipment.
Licensed or not licensed?
Some manufacturers only recommend that you go to licensed repair companies. Whilst this can tend to be more costly, it means that if they make a mistake trying to fix your PC, then they are far more accountable for any subsequent damage caused. You'll have a better chance of having the work corrected than you would have via unlicensed computer specialists.
There are many High Street shops which offer IT maintenance and the larger chain stores will have properly trained IT professionals working there. However, if you're considering a smaller, independent shop for your PC repairs, it is always best to seek out the qualifications of their employees. Many 'PC specialists' are anything but and often turn out to be self-trained. This could cause far trouble and expense in the long run than need be.
Do you want work / home repairs?
A number of computer maintenance companies offer repair work to be carried out at home or at work (depending on the nature of the problem). This can be far more convenient for some people, especially if the computer can be repaired on the spot. This means not being without the machine for any length of time. Of course, the additional expense has to be taken into consideration.
To sum up
Whenever possible, always ask around if you need your computer fixing. Do you know anyone who recommends a particular service? Another thing to consider is that whilst the cheapest repair option might be best, do the people fixing your computer really know what they are doing?