How to set up a wordpress database driven website
WordPress websites have been at the forefront of the "Web 2.0" movement, allowing people to easily create content which can be commented on and even edited by users of the site. WordPress is free and has a huge support community. So, it is a great place to start whether you are new to web design or a seasoned expert. In this guide, we will sexplain how to set up a database driven website using WordPress.
The basics
WordPress is what is known as a content management system or blogging platform. It uses the same set of standard files (known as core files) on every wordpress installation. The three things which make your website different from every other WordPress website are the content, the plugins and the themes. The content The content is all of the information you physically type into the blogging platform. Unlike traditional PHP website design, with WordPress, you do not code content into the site using tags. This is all done in the WordPress "back-end", using a WYSIWYG editor. This information is then stored in a database. What are databases? If you are a web design novice, you may find yourself asking "but what are databses". It is a large table which stores information like the post content, date it was created and any comments which have been made on this post. Wordpress uses MySQL to administer the database and this can usually be set-up by your web host. Get started with WordPress In order to get started with WordPress, you will need your own web host, an FTP client to transfer your files and a MySQL database. Go to for the latest installation instructions as the technique may differ slightly from point release to release.
The advantage of storing all of your information in a database is that this information is stored simply as data. There are no formatting tags attached to it which makes customising and transferring your site extremely simple. Themes WordPress uses "themes" to skin the appearance of the site. You can create your own from scratch using the guides on or you can choose from one of the hundreds of freely available themes available to you through the WordPress back-end. If you are looking for a professional design, you may have to pay a little extra from a site like Function The customisation of your site is not just about aesthetics, it is about function too. Whether you want a simple calendar, or a fully functional sports league management system, there will be a plugin for you. All of this is possible because WordPress separates your content in a database, from the PHP theme and core files.