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How to write a story

If you are learning how to write good novels, you need to read this article for some great tools and web resources. Even if you are writing for kids, you will still benefit. Get the details here.

Use a story writing software programme

Why use a story writing software programme You can buy or download a good story/novel writing software programme for free from the internet. If you are a novice, a specialised software programme like this guides you in your writing and gives you writing tips. If you are not organised, the programme does that for you too. There are sections for plots, characters, scenes, chapters and so on. You can move in a linear fashion or jump straight to the section that you want. Now, you see why you want to use a story-writer rather than a general word processor. Unlike a simple notepad, it has what you need to write a story without the clutter of a 'heavy' word processor.

Use an online story writing service

Use an online writing interface Go to for an uncluttered and easy-to-use writing interface. Create your own story as simply or as complex as you want. You can switch between chapters on the sidebar, or turn off the sidebar altogether. Also, find a dictionary and thesaurus on the sidebar. The word count tool is built-in and your writing is auto-saved.
This site stores its (and your) data in the cloud. Cloud computing is a Google application in which data is stored in many servers or computers across the world. Now, you don't have to worry about one server crashing and losing its data or slow network speed. Sign in to Google to use Network with other writers Go to to get feedback for your work. Want a more established network with more than half a million members? Go to, if you don't mind the 'old' looking site layout. You will find plenty of writing tools there.

Organise your story

If you want to make a complex story, you may benefit from specialised software programmes that are other than story-writers. Try a mind mapping software programme to help you to tie in all the characters and their scenes. Do you have a complex set of characters? How about a CRM application (software programme) to keep track of their characteristics, interactions and so on?

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