Inspiration from show homes
The Cambridge Dictionary defines a show home as a "new house or apartment which has been decorated and filled with furniture to show possible buyers of similar homes what the homes might be like when people are living in them." While show homes may have been intended as an advertisement for the home itself, it can prove to be an inspiration as well. In this article, find the possible inspiration that can be gained from show homes.
The grounds
The grounds of the show home can be an inspiration for those of you who are looking for ideas for doing landscaping on their home. The beautiful home may have well-tended lawns, perennial gardens, ideal patios or walkways, or other interesting details that you can use with your own home. The show house can be an inspiration for the grounds as well as the interior.
The layout
Perhaps, your house is similarly dimensioned to the show house. The layout of the house may be different from your own, which can give you some ideas about hoe to change the interior of your own house. Your home can also be older and has a lot of little rooms. The show house can be of the same age by being renovated to have an open floor plan. Or, the kitchen has been renovated so that it is larger, or walls between two downstairs rooms removed to make one large, welcoming one. The show home can help you to figure out ways to make your own house seem larger and more open.
The decor
Seeing a vogue home can give you inspiration as far as decorating your own home is concerned. The designers home may use interesting materials for the floors, such as bamboo or reclaimed planks. Or, the walls can be covered with beadboard or wallpaper above a chair rail with a painted surface below. Home doctors and the magic The arrangement of the furniture could be an inspiration for you as well, especially if the show house and your own are similarly sized. Perhaps the furniture chosen or its placement makes a small room look larger and more open, which could help you do the same for your own small room. For some show homes, home doctors are invited in to do their magic, which can help others to apply that magic to their own homes.