The benefits of a breakfast nook
With its charming scale and close proximity to the kitchen, the breakfast nook, can be a popular feature of the home. It brings together the family members and friends. If you are deliberating on adding a breakfast nook, being aware of the many benefits can help you decide.
What is a breakfast nook
Definition It is a cosy area, located just off the kitchen where light meals can be shared. Customarily, it had windows on three walls and the small size gave it the term ‘nook’. Modern designs are planned out of more contiguous spaces, like kitchen extensions and may have varied flooring to establish individual identity. Breakfast nook furniture comprises of a small table with benches and chairs seating for two to six people.
Multi-purpose use
Purposes of breakfast nook Despite its name, the breakfast nook is not restricted to breakfast alone, as it serves multiple purposes. Traditionally, the kitchen table has been the heart of the home, staging family conversations and cherished moments. Breakfast nooks optimise this social potential. Their intimate scale also makes them a relaxing place for individual relaxing. Social hub Whether used for sharing breakfast or a late night coffee, the breakfast nook is a place for interaction. The nook has an informal air about it and supports impromptu entertaining, without the formality of the dining table. Both cooking and dining activities can be enjoyed simultaneously and the person cooking is not isolated from the rest. It is very well-suited to serving young children’s meals. Not limited to meals alone, it is great as a homework, crafts or hobby station for kids. The parent can conveniently interact with the children, while carrying on with kitchen chores. The family can also indulge in board games, while enjoying a snack here. The home Internet station could be set-up here and the space allows members to be involved in each other’s activities. Solitary use The breakfast nook often has windows on all sides connecting it to the outdoors. Combined with its scaled down size, it is comfortable for solitary activities like reading and writing. It can be a place of calm and serenity to organise thoughts and start the day. A small home-office, with minimal requirements like a computer, phone and storage can be set-up here and works well for work-at-home mothers.
Additional storage
Storing things Breakfast nook sets using benches can have flip-top covers and can contain storage. Infrequently used shared items, like kitchen appliances, spare kitchenware, craft supplies and board games, can be stored here.
Small and easy to decorate
Decoration purpose Compact arrangement and simple requirements make it a convenient project to undertake. Corner kitchen nook configurations utilise unused areas of the kitchen. Considering its popular use, the returns from this investment are certainly very rewarding.