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The pros and cons of glass sliding doors

While traditional doors and related upholstery are still being used, practical options like sliding glass doors are making their way into offices as well as homes. Sliding glass doors have a number of advantages. However, there is a downside to them as well. Read on for understanding if investing in the sliding doors would stand you in good stead in the long run or not.


Practical The sliding glass doors are installed over areas which are large enough to provide a decently big doorway. The doors do not require cramming in when you transfer some big item between the rooms. The sliding mechanism is a huge benefit given that there are no external hinges like in traditional doors. In case you install a sliding patio door, then there could be nothing better. This is because the doors require less space since they have no swinging parts but simply slide on a door rail. Great decorating accessory Sliding doors double as an accessory which glams up any area they are set up at. This is because they are transparent letting one get a clear view of the other part of the door. Carefully positioning the glass doors lets you spunk up the decor of the house in a great way. Ample light Moreover, the rooms receive ample light and this has healthy consequences. Since there are external screens placed on the sliding doors, the rooms are protected against unwanted insects and bugs. The rooms receive fresh breeze as well. Environment friendly In an age when going green has been a major challenge, glass sliding doors have proved that not all furniture and home decor items need wood. With the use of metal and similar frames and simple glass, the doors have turned the way homes look.


A costly affair Having a sliding glass door installed burns a hole in the pocket. The installation costs add to this further. Weather conditions Extreme weather conditions like frost, storms and the like, may not be borne well by the glass sliding doors. Extreme heat too does not lengthen the durability of the glass doors. Maintenance This eats up a lot of money and time. Glass doors need specialised cleaning and maintenance. All door parts might not be available at all times for replacement. Conclusion It is obvious that sliding glass doors look great. However, before going and buying one for your patio or other areas of the home, weigh the benefits against the shortcomings and come to a decision based on your personal needs.

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