The pros and cons of anti-slip floor paint
Most people are unaware of areas of their homes that are prone to the hazard of falls and slips. This could be from a wet floor in a kitchen or bathroom or any flat and smooth floor in any part of the home. However, their are coatings available to make these places less hazardous. This article will be looking at the pros and cons of anti-slip floor paint.
Most anti-slip floor coatings are designed for more rugged areas of the home. These can be things such as very smooth paths in the garden but one area where they are particularly useful is in the garage. Hazards faced in the humble garage Whilst it may not be apparent until it happens, a garage can be a very dangerous place when it comes to slipping. Most garages have flat, solid concrete surfaces and even if people don't tend to use them for keeping their cars in, many use them for storing other equipment. With things such as lawnmowers, hose pipes and suchlike being moved to and from the garage, it is easy to see how a build up of oil or water could easily lead to a potentially fatal slip and fall. Non-skid floor paint whilst obviously not being able to prevent spillages will certainly add a high level of traction to the surface that will certainly aid in preventing such falls. For use in the workplace Many warehouses too have solid concrete floors and for the same reasons above, buying anti-slip paint will certainly go towards increasing the health and safety in the workplace. As an added bonus, it is also available in a variety of colours which could be used for a number of reasons, such as denoting safe areas to walk where there is no risk of injury from machinery for example.
Back in the context of the garage, if you are only renting your house, then discussions will have to be made with your landlord or letting agency before applying anti-slip floor paint. Whilst they may agree to it, you may well have to pay for it yourself and once you have left the property, you can't take it with you. Cleaning before applying The floor that is about to be painted will also need rigorous cleaning in order for the paint to make a good bond. This can be time-consuming and an extreme hard work.