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What to look for when choosing web hosting companies

If you have made your own website or had someone make one for you, you will be looking for the best web hosting company. There are a number of things that you will need to consider so that you find the best web hosting for your website needs.

Different types of web hosts

Web hosting types
There are different types of web hosts to look into but not all of them will be what you need. Shared web hosting is usually the most affordable, but there will be times when you will need to look into dedicated or managed servers. Shared hosting
A shared server is when you are placed on the same server and hundreds of other websites. You could find that there are a number of limitations such as being on the same IP address or slow running time. However, there are benefits including the affordable hosting. Dedicated hosts
Dedicated hosting is common for many larger businesses. These hosting servers are able to offer dedicated IP addresses and you will have a whole server to yourself which means that you are only limited due to your own uses and nobody else's. Managed hosting companies
When you opt for managed hosting, you will not have to run it. The company will do everything for you when it comes to website maintenance and they could even add web pages for you.

What do you want the website for?

Business or pleasure?
There are certain types of web hosting that will match certain website needs. If you simply want a blog or a personal website that is not going to earn you a lot of money, then shared web hosting is definitely the way forward. However, if you want to run your own business, you will need to consider the limitations to shared hosting. Could you run your business when there are hundreds of other websites on your IP address? If you want to reach out to all countries, this could cut down your chances. Do you have time to maintain your website?
If you have a business, there are chances that you are running other important parts. You may need to hire someone to run the website for you. However, this will cost you a lot of money. Managed hosting may be exactly what you need since the maintenance is all covered in your hosting fee.

E-commerce hosting

Taking money online
There are some companies which are now able to offer extras such as business or E-commerce plans which are still on shared hosting. These can help you to keep the cost low while also preventing the limitations that your business could face.

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