Where to buy Windows XP at cheap prices
Windows XP is still renowned by many people as the best Windows operating system available, despite the fact that it is much older than both Windows Vista and 7. It can be hard to come by it these days and, this article will aim to give information on where to buy Windows XP for cheap.
There are many ways to get hold of a copy of Windows XP. First of all, you have to decide which version you are after. The first decision to make is probably the most important.
Types of operating system
The two main types of the operating system are OEM and Non-OEM. OEM copies will only ever work on one computer and should this computer fail, or you start using a different computer, you will not be able to transfer this operating system across. This is where Non-OEM comes in, you are able to use the operating system on one PC at a time, but you can install it on another PC if you take it off the PC in use.
Home or professional version
The second decision is whether you wish to purchase the home or professional version. The professional version is more expensive, but does have some advantages which can be read at Winsupersite.com.
This is great for you if you are looking at a laptop to install Windows XP. Great laptop discounts are available if you are willing to provide your own operating system. This allows you to look for laptops on sale.
Where to buy windows XP
Windows XP is available across the Internet and can be purchased from these places:
Windows XP Home- Ebuyer.com costs £75.51 - Ebuyer is a credible website and this is a good price, however it is an OEM version.
Novatech.co.uk- £81.98 -It is not as cheap as eBuyer, but it is another option and it is also an OEM version.
Finally, eBay is a great place to look for the Windows operating system for computer laptops. However, care must be taken to make sure that you are getting a legitimate copy, but many companies on Ebay offer great deals.
Companies rather than individual sellers are the best for buying operating systems. Make sure that they have 100% positive feedback and if possible, buy with PayPal as this gives you extra protection.
The last option is to buy a laptop computer with it already installed, as companies are able to buy the software cheaper and this means that you aren't really paying for the operating system when you buy the PC.
All prices are correct at the time of writing – 07.08.11