Where to buy a Queen Anne chair
Sourcing and buying older items like Queen Anne chairs and or a Queen Anne sofa can be a challenge. Read on to find out how to source Queen Anne chairs in the UK.
Where to look for a Queen Anne arm chair
Older items have become very popular in interior design circles in the UK and as a result, the general costs of items like Queen Anne arm chair or a Chesterfield armchair have risen considerably.
Antique furnisher dealers
In many cases, antique furnisher dealers get in quickly when such items are available and then, add a huge amount onto the cost of the item before selling it back to you, the customer.
Delivery cost
Sites like Ebay are a one-stop shop for one-off items and items that are no longer in production. Remember when buying larger items online that there will be a large delivery cost to cover. As an alternative, it might work out cheaper to hire a van and collect your new items than to have the item delivered by a delivery company. Consider trying to source the items closer to home rather than ordering from a stockist at the other end of the country.
Reproduction furniture
As the costs of buying original pieces like Queen Anne dining chairs and similar items have soared in the past few years, it is worth considering looking for reproductions of Queen Anne style furniture.
Main components of the original furniture
Although, newer items might have a more contemporary twist, they are still likely to have the main components of original Queen Anne style furniture like the ubiquitous Queen Anne legs and the high back of a traditional Queen Anne wing chair.
Variety of reproductions
The beauty of buying reproductions of older furniture items is that they are not as rare as original pieces and a stockist is likely to have a whole lot of the item you require rather than just one or two that they have been able to get their hands on.
Buying damaged products
It may also be worth considering buying an item that is worn or damaged in some way and having it fixed-up and re-upholstered rather than buying an item that is in mint condition and likely to be much more expensive.