Where to buy a foldable chair
Foldable chairs are very practical items, they are easy to carry, easy to store and easy to set up. Collapsible chairs are an item that everyone should have as you never know when the occasion may call for their use. You can use foldable chairs for taking to the beach, as extra seating in your house when you have more guests than normal, or for events or holidays like camping and festivals. Below are four of the best places to buy folding chairs.
Wilkinson is a great place to get hold of any items like this. They offer a huge selection of camping and garden equipment like, foldable tables, picnic chairs and camping tables and chairs. There prices are very competitive as well making them a good option for this purchase. They also regularly have deals on and sales, so you may be able to get hold of a foldable chair even cheaper than normal. A great time for a sale on this type of item is the end of summer, beginning of autumn.
Homebase has a large selection of outdoor products which is where you will probably find foldable chairs. They normally have a bigger range than Wilkinson, so if you are looking for something a little more up-market, then Homebase might be the place for you. Homebase also has an online store where you can check product availability at your nearest store and read customer reviews on the item that you are interested in.
IKEA is a such a big department store that they stock almost everything that you ever need! They often have cool and of the now items which means that you can probably get the most fashionable folding chair available (they also stock a range of folding stools). IKEA have a downloadable store magazine that you can browse before heading to the shop, so if you are only looking for the folding chair, you will know what section to find it in, making your trip a shorter and easier one.
Ebay have an endless amount of products listed and new ones are always popping up. Search for foldable chair, camping chair or folding chair and many results will show which you can scroll through at your leisure. You can also search for items for sale nearest to your location. Hence, you can pick the item up and pay cash on collection which means that you will be saving money on eBay fees and postage.