Where to buy a keyboard with touchpad online
When thinking about a PC keyboard, it's quite easy to think that all keyboards do pretty much the same job and all pretty much look the same. However, keyboards are available that also have the added functionality of having a touchpad built in, something that you would normally only associate with laptops for instance. Here I shall be showing you where to buy such a keyboard online.
Advantages and uses
There are many reasons why a keyboard with a built in touchpad can be advantageous. For instance, many modern operating systems now support the use of gestures which can be very useful for manipulation things that are on screen. Sadly, these sort of features are generally only available to to owners of laptops or those with a touch sensitive display.
Another example of usage could be someone that uses their computer to control their home media system. With a wireless keyboard of this nature the use of a mouse would be quite cumbersome, especially when relaxing on a couch for instance.
Things to consider before buying
There are a variety of touchpad keyboards out there and a number of things need to be taken into consideration. Do you want a wired keyboard or a wireless one? A wireless keyboard might be more versatile but they will also tend to be somewhat more expensive.
You also have to think about the size requirements. There are large keyboards and small keyboards. Which one will suit you best? Another thing to consider will be the position of the touchpad itself. These tend to be either in the centre and below the space bar or to the right of the keyboard. This is more down to personal preference.
Other considerations
There are other things to consider too. Would a backlit keyboard be of more use to you than a none backlit one? For wireless keyboards, is it rechargeable? How long can the keyboard be used before it needs charging?
Where to buy
Here are some popular places to buy a keyboard with a touchpad:
- Froogle.co.uk
- eBay.co.uk
- Dabs.co.uk
- Amazon.co.uk
- Play.com
- Maplin.co.uk
- Ebuyer.com
Of course, delivery charges need to be taken into consideration. Also, the potential buyer should should make sure that they shop around and compare prices as theses can vary widely.