How to secure a wireless router
Generally, a brand new wireless router is not yet fully secure and if its default configuration and security settings are not changed by a user, unauthorized parties maybe able to steal confidential information such as passwords and personal files. Manufacturers intentionally do not pre-program the configuration to allow users to set up the router by themselves. It is important though that router security is established in order to protect a user's internet and computer system.
Wireless router configuration, admin password, network name, SSID, and encryption
Access the configuration of your wireless router Connect to your router wirelessly or through an Ethernet cable to access the configuration menu and settings of your wireless router. Open an internet browser, then type in either or Replace admin password A lot of wireless routers come with a blank password. It's very important that you replace or change this, otherwise a hacker could access the configuration of your router and lock you out of your own system. Network name change The default network name is normally comprised of your wireless router's model/name. If this information falls in the wrong hands, your network's security can easily be compromised. It is recommended that you rename your default network name to something that is not closely associated with you such as your house address or last name. Instead, try using a set of alpha numeric characters. Switch off broadcasting in SSID The SSID of your wireless router's is broadcasted by default, allowing any person in close proximity to your router to view it. To make this information invisible, switch off SSID broadcasting in your router. Enable network encryption By default, encryption is turned off in your router. There's a choice of WPA2, WPA, and WEP. To date, the most current encryption type is WPA2, so utilise this wherever possible. Program your PC adapter and wireless router so that both can utilise the same method of encryption.
Mac address, firmware, and settings back-up
Mac Address Each hardware, including your PC adaptor card, comes with its own MAC address. This address can be included in your wireless router's access control list. Keep in mind that only gadgets included in the access control list of your router can be connected. Update the firmware of your router It is advisable that you download from the manufacturer's online site the most current router firmware. Firmwares are used to fix bugs in routers as well as address security flaws found in such devices. Back-up settings Lastly, back-up all the settings in your router. Doing this can allow you to restore the configuration back into your router easily, should you accidentally reset the router back to its original default settings in the future.