Where to buy a wooden double bed
Until the invention of the king size mattress in the 1980s and the queen size mattress in the 1990s, the double bed was considered as the bed of choice for married couples. Also, known as a full bed, the double bed is 53 inches wide and 75 inches long. The advantage of this bed is that it takes up less space in a bedroom. It is still popular today for guest rooms or teen rooms. Wooden double bed frames are still available today.
Furniture store
Since double beds are still sold today, you can find them in most furniture stores. The quality and styles of the wooden bed frames for the double mattress will vary from ultra-modern to vintage-looking. You can also find discount double wood bed frames at stores that sell discount, cheap mattresses. You may even be able to buy bed frames that are discontinued or store models, which means that there will be reduced prices.
Antique stores, thrift stores and auctions
Due to the very long history of the double mattress, you will be able to find double wood bed frames in antique stores. These bed frames may run the gamut from rope beds to beds that are put together with a wrought-iron wrench and custom bolts. Some of these beds can be very ornate, while others may be plainer, like the Shaker or Mission style beds. If you are lucky, you may be able to find an older bed at a thrift store, which would allow you to buy a pay less than if you purchased an antique bed at an antique store. Estate auctions are also good sources for vintage beds.
Custom beds
If you are unable to find the double wooden bed frame at any of the above locations, then building or having a custom bed frame made might be the choice for you. The edge can be made in any style and finished so that it looks old, even if it is not. You can even make bed frames from old timbers which can add to the vintage look. You can even make a wooden bed frame from lesser quality wood then paint or finish it in such a way so that it looks like better quality wood.