Where to buy mirrored doors
The first mirrors were probably invented in 722 BC China, and were probably a little more than basins filled with water. The first use of mirrors in an architectural manner which displayed the whole body, began in the Renaissance, perhaps most spectacularly with the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. Mirrored doors help to make a room look larger while giving it style. Read this article to find out where to buy mirrored doors.
Building supply store
A building supply store will have mirrored doors for closets as well as for rooms. The mirrored closet or wardrobe doors will be large sliding doors which run on tracks. These sliding doors can be very tall, or smaller mirrored doors which are the height of conventional doors. Wardrobe mirror doors, especially when they are large, can give smaller rooms an impression of space. Mirrored doors can be conventional swinging doors with fitted and often beveled mirrors attached to one side. These can be found at building supply stores. Fitted wardrobe doors with mirrors are also available, which allow you to add a new element to an existing piece of furniture.
Antique stores
Antique stores can also be a place where you may find beveled mirrors on doors for rooms. These doors may have four or more panels on one side with just one on the other. The beveled mirror will either fill the middle of the door panel. Doors like these will allow you to see yourself from head to foot. Mirrored cabinets will also be available in antique stores. The cabinets will vary in style and condition and will look attractive in any room into which they are placed.
Architectural surplus stores
Mirrored doors can also be found at architectural surplus stores, where items have been removed from buildings that are slated for demolition. These doors can date back to the 1950s if not before, and are made of solid wood. Mirrored wardrobe doors may also be available with finer workmanship than doors found at building supply stores. Doors that had been used for oddly-sized closets may also be found. Doors which you can use to create unique pieces of furniture add appeal to existing closet doors. You may even find sliding pocket bedroom doors that are mirrored as well.