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Where to buy new book releases

With hundreds of thousands of new books published every year, it can be tough to keep up-to-date with all the latest releases. However, High Street retailers, independent book shops and online stores are all geared up to make sure that you don’t miss out on the most recent riveting reads. If you want to obtain the latest Dan Brown or Hilary Mantel, this article is a must-read as it describes where to buy new book releases.

High Street stores and supermarkets

The main High Street book stores, such as WH Smith and Waterstone’s, will stock the latest releases as soon as they are published. Larger branches will obviously offer more choices if your reading requirements run to the less well-known authors. However, all book stores will have a list of upcoming titles and you can pre-order your preference. The main supermarkets usually have book sections in their larger stores. They often stock popular new releases at discounted prices, but do not expect anything more than mainstream fiction and famous autobiographies. If you are looking for a new academic release, then Blackwell is the best place to go. It is the UK’s leading retailer of academic books. It is an absolute must-visit for students who are keen on keeping up-to-date with the latest publications in their subject areas.

New releases online

If you prefer to seek out new releases from the comfort of your own home, then the internet offers a variety of options. Simon and Schuster offer a comprehensive guide to new books, including sections on recent notable releases and previews. The UK website offers you a selection of retailers so that you can compare and contrast prices. offers a huge selection of books from all genres. It also has a 'new and future releases' section. They offer the option of pre-ordering, with the promise that if the price decreases between the time that you place your order and the release date, you will be charged the lowest price. You can also pre-order e-books. These are sometimes be discounted.

Independent advice

Finally, do not forget your local independent book store. If you are not familiar with it yet then, seek it out with the help of the internet or the Yellow Pages. The knowledge and experience of the staff in the majority of these shops is unparalleled. They will be happy to help and will make sure that you never miss out on the latest releases.

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