Where to find computer virus information
Have you ever gotten a mysterious message from an anti-virus program that you couldn't decipher? Are you not sure about a PC security term? Can you not understand some virus alerts? This article will detail how you can increase your security readiness, by giving you several good virus information repositories so that you can identify threats to your computer.
Through websites
Anti-virus program If you do not have an anti-virus program installed on your computer, or you do but it is not updated, you can still figure out what virus is on your computer. You will need an active internet connection. Note that if you suspect that a virus is on your computer, it is recommended not to connect to the internet on the infected one, until the virus is removed completely. World-renowned virus databases First, we will start with some world-renowned virus databases. These are similar to those databases used by anti-virus programs. They are owned by prestigious anti-virus companies. - Home.mcafee.com (virus info) - contains the same database that McAffee computer security site uses. - About-threats.trendmicro.com - contains the same virus and spyware database used by TrendMicro products. Do not use any database from a company that you have not heard of, as there are plenty of free ones from major companies.
From your anti-virus software
If you already have an anti-virus program installed on the computer that you suspect to be infected, then this is the section for you.
Anti-virus softwares
Most of the time, all anti-virus softwares will have some sort of database. Some of the databases are not always accessible or selectively accessible, meaning that you might only be able to see the information of a certain virus, if the program finds it to be contained somewhere within your computer. This will always come up on your scan alert.
Use Google
Remember that Google is always a good aid in determining more about the virus. It is recommended to research more information if your anti-virus cannot remove it. You can also use the databases that are listed above to find out more information about any specific threat.
If you want to learn more about computer threats, you can check out forums to get personal help, like Forum.TechGuy.org.